Why does my Small or Micro business need a website?
If you don’t already know, I specialise in providing low cost web design in fife to small and micro businesses and this is a question I get asked pretty much daily.
This question is so loaded that it’d take me a year to answer but I can summarise the answer into 3 key points to help you realise the power of digital as your business grows.
1. Credibility
The number one reason for any business (no matter how small!) to have a website is so that they can build credibility with their customers.
During the pandemic and the ensuing lockdown thousands of small and micro businesses were created. In fact, if you’re reading this you probably have (or are thinking about starting) a small business selling art, crafts, books, perfumes, cakes, supplements or any other vast amount of products.
The most common method for delivering these products to your customers is through using social media groups/pages which works really well when you have a small, close knit group of customers but it also makes it VERY difficult to organically grow your business – and the traffic that you do gain to your pages and groups want to see a credible business before spending their hard earned money on your products.
Showing your customers that you’ve invested in a professional, modern and (most importantly) secure website shows that you’re not just going to pop in and out. You’re in it for the long haul and you can be trusted, not to mention the fact that my Support Plans will help you maintain that security and do basic Search Engine Optimisation so that new customers who aren’t active on social media can find your business and purchase products from you.
The best bit? A website investment doesn’t have to be substantial. Due to how I work, you can have that professional, modern and secure website delivered to your specification within 7 days. Check out my pricing plans for more information, but they’re not scary and start at less than a hundred quid! When I say I provide low cost web design in fife, I really mean it!
2. Differentiate Yourself
What truly makes you different from your competition? I’m sure you know exactly why and I’m sure some of your existing customers do too. What’s important is how you properly convey that differentiation and that your potential new customers see that easily as well.
This is something that can’t be achieved easily through social media groups, in-fact it’s almost impossible.
It could be any combination of:
- Quality of product
- Quality of service
- Affordability
- Your level of creativity
- OR It could be you!
But how do your new customers know that? And how do customers who aren’t on social media platforms know that? The truth is that they probably don’t – or they need to hear it from another existing customer first.
A professional, modern and secure website gives you the ability to IMMEDIATELY differentiate yourself from the competition. That’s why I specialise in providing low cost web design in Fife to small and micro businesses, I want to give you the best chance of success! And obviously pay my mortgage.
3. You’re missing out on customers.
30% of consumers won’t buy from a business without a website. Think about that for a few moments. If you had 50 customers last month, that means you missed 15 people who more than likely would’ve bought from you. If we assume:
- Your average order value is £10
- So, you made £500 last month.
- However, you missed 30% of your potential customers.
- Which means you left £150 up for grabs.
- Over a year that’s £1,800 – by the way.
Our packages start at £99, and if you take our basic support package of £25/month behind it (which you don’t need to, by the way). It would’ve looked more like:
- Average order value of £10
- So, you made £650 last month, or £7,800 over a year.
- You spent £99 on a single page website.
- And you pay £25/month to have it supported and optimised for finding new customers (so £399 over the year).
- You would’ve made £6,000 without a website, or £7,800 with a website.
- Minus the £399 in costs for the website.
- Means you gained over £1,400!
Take the next step to grow your business today.
If none of the above resonates with you then GREAT, you don’t need a website and you’re on the right path!
However, if you feel any of that rings true – you could have your brand new, professional, modern and secure website LIVE within 7 days (with all these great benefits) for under £100.
Get in touch today via my Contact Form to discuss your requirements more in depth and let me answer any questions you have – I promise I’m not going to “hard” sell you anything. If you don’t need a website, I’ll tell you!
I specialise in providing low cost web design Fife for micro and small businesses. I work to provide the best value for money digital consultancy you can find while sticking to a budget and focusing on return on your investment. You can learn more about me by clicking here.